> I discovered yesterday evening that my enemy put water into my gas tank. My car is disabled , how can I fix it? How can

I discovered yesterday evening that my enemy put water into my gas tank. My car is disabled , how can I fix it? How can

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
This is what I found when I untwisted my gas cap.

The method you use to get rid of water in your car’s gas tank depends on how much got in there. In the case of only a little water, an additive that dries up water could be used. The additive combines with the water as it goes through the running engine. If there is a lot of water, a mechanic will have to remove the gas. This may include removing the fuel tank from the car and putting in new filters.

The tank is then put back and is filled with clean gas.

Hope that will help.

water and gas do not mix. the water is too thick to pass through the filter as i was told by many an instructor. that same water will damage the tanks lining though. drain the tank completely and then refill it, this could be a waste of time though if that lining has already started to flake away. if it is a small amount, you can find an additive in some places for that situation. it can occur naturally with a leaking gas cap in the fog.

Water? Pee is more handier. Does the same damage. Drain all the fuel out of tank and out of the fuel lines. Have a garage do this.(Gasoline is highly explosive) Then new fuel and gas line antifreeze. This will mix with the water that is still in places in droplets and as gas line antifreeze is alcohol it mixes with the water and moves down into the engine and is burned. Get a locking gas cap and don't make enemies. Only need a single container of gas line antifreeze.

Since you don't know how much of whatever (water?acid? sugar?), was poured down the tank, everything in the fuel system has to be purged. The fuel lines too. And, do yourself a favor. As long as the tank is down for cleaning, replace the fuel pump with a high quality one (Delphi, Bosch,or OEM). Half or more of the fuel pump replacement cost is labor. The old pump has to be removed anyway. Get a locking gas cap & good luck.

I know how to get even with him and he'll never know it was you unless you have a big mouth. Buy a payday candy bar. Break it up and put it down the filler tube. It takes about 2 to 4 fills until the gasoline breaks down the caramel and the nuts and caramel clog the tank . It'll drive him and any mechanic crazy. The tank won't take the gas and it blows out on his clothes. It takes over 20 minutes to get a gallon of gas to go into the tank.

Hi I wouldn't put to much into an enemy putting water in you tank .. from the looks of the filler tube it looks like there hasn't been a cap or cover over the inlet for a while.. maybe you did it your self ??

If its a lot of water the tank well need removed and emptied. small amount an additive called HEAT should work.

good luck


Depends on the amount of water. I would drain the tank and fuel system and start out with fresh gasoline. The next purchase I would make would be a locking gas cap. Not fool proof, but it makes it more difficult to tamper.

If you are able to drain the fuel tank into a large bowl, the water will float on top of the fuel. Carefully tip the out of the bowl, then replace the Fuel back into the tank. It may take a few cranks to start the engine, but it will start. That is what they will do if you can take it to a garage.

cars today have electric fuel pumps in the gas tank so just disconnect the fuel line at the fuel injectors and run a hose from it to a 5 gallon bucket or gas can to catch what comes out, then turn on the key, this will start the fuel pump and it will pump all the water out of the tank first since water sinks and gas floats. hold the hose and shine a flashlight so you can see what color it is and when you see yellow or bluegreen color thats gas coming out of the line and you can turn off the key and reconnect the lines then replace your fuel filter and everything will be fine. it may be hard to start at first but then will quickly return to normal after a few minutes of running. you don't need expensive mechanics or a tow truck to bring it to the shop. I hope you didn't run it but if you did then it will just need to pump the water out of the injectors before it will start running. we get water in our gas tanks all the time from the gas pump and it just makes the engine run a little rough until it gets pumped out and used up through the fuel system so its no big deal except in your case I think its more then just a little water involved. its best to do this with a helper so you don't splash gas everywhere.

Best case is a bottle of water remover which strains it out if only minimal, worst case is to empty gas tank and clean filters as most likely no damage.

This is what I found when I untwisted my gas cap.

Document every penny of the cost of repair and towing (don't attempt to drive or even start the engine again) for later use if you decide to use the court system to recover the cost of the damages.

What you need to do with this person is get police involved immediately. What was done was a crime. When someone starts damaging your car, the situation has escalated past the point where you can safely handle it yourself any more. Who's to say this person won't do something even more dangerous next? Get it on police record that this happened, who you think did it, and get the police on your side. Don't retaliate (even though I'm sure you'd love to) and give this person a chance to get police on his/her side.

Best case is a bottle of water remover which strains it out if only minimal, worst case is to empty gas tank and clean filters as most likely no damage.

Best case is a bottle of water remover which strains it out if only minimal, worst case is to empty gas tank and clean filters as most likely no damage.

Best case is a bottle of water remover which strains it out if only minimal, worst case is to empty gas tank and clean filters as most likely no damage.

Get the vehicle to the repair shop and drain all fuel tank. If the water has reached the engine then your engine might have to be opened and cleaned.

Get a Locking gas cap next time.

Should have had a locking gas cap on that beast!

Check with your insurance company and see if sabotage is covered by your insurance policy. If you are certain that you know who did this, contact the local police and file charges on him and make him pay for it!

If your car is fuel injected and you cranked it over while trying to start it, most likely all of them will have to be replaced. GOOD LUCK! you are looking at spending $1,500.00 plus to repair this mess!

Best case is a bottle of water remover which strains it out if only minimal, worst case is to empty gas tank and clean filters as most likely no damage.

Get a Locking gas cap next time.

Get a Locking gas cap next time.

Get a Locking gas cap next time.

Get a Locking gas cap next time.

Get a Locking gas cap next time.

Get the vehicle to the repair shop and drain all fuel tank. If the water has reached the engine then your engine might have to be opened and cleaned.

That is more than water. Looks like salt or sugar. Call the police first and tell them. Then a shop for a repair job if the motor is not ruined. What is the white stuff?

Get the vehicle to the repair shop and drain all fuel tank. If the water has reached the engine then your engine might have to be opened and cleaned.

Best case is a bottle of water remover which strains it out if only minimal, worst case is to empty gas tank and clean filters as most likely no damage.

That is a garage job - the tank will have to be drained, the engine cleaned and thoroughly dried, and the whole system flushed through. Get it done immediately - or things will start to rust and it will be irreparable.

Your enemy? Lol!

Drop the tank and drain every last drop out. Remount the tank and refill with clean fuel.

You could try to siphon the tank until it's empty. But idk if I would trust this. You could siphon in, then refill with clean fuel, and then re-siphon again to get the majority of it out.

okay well time is the essence. First things first you're going to need a DeLorean. Not just to drive but to go back before the time Before that then you pimp slap them.