> I blew up my dads car. How do i tell him?

I blew up my dads car. How do i tell him?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
A .22 bouncing off the rock would barely have enough power to punch through a piece of cardboard, let alone a steel or plastic tank. My 6 year old granddaughter is wittier than you.

Yeah right, sure you did. Even if you did pierce the gas tank with a ricochet shot it would not cause the car to blow up except in Hollywood, it would just cause the gas to leak out.

If you are going to be a troll you'll need to try harder.

Doesn't happen in real life, even if the tank was shot directly and a .22 could pierce it.

Well all you can do is cry and say it was an accident. Chances are he will still want to kill you. So just say I will work hard and give you all my pay checks and money. It's the best that can happen

I was wondering what he drives to work, a lawn tractor maybe. I've heard of dress down Friday but it looks like this Friday has turned into dumb down Friday.

Ok, here is what you do.

1. Fix him the best lunch ever.

2. Stop watching Myth Busters.

3. Stop wasting our troll time.

Hitchhike to mexico. Start a new life in a troll colony.

Be honest and tell him someone threw a bomb into the car, and you had to jump out of the car.

Turn the page, and color a different one.

Quit eating the rye bread.

Ricochet is a word derived from the french

and above your reading level. The t is present, but soft and unpronounced.

Just say it and be ready to get yelled out. But, chances are he has insurance that will cover this and needs to make a claim as soon as he can. .

My dad went to work in the van today. I live on a farm and was shooting at targets with my 22, and one ricoched majorly off a rock behind the target and hit the gas tank of his new 2015 charger. He comes home everyday for lunch. I have four hours. Please help!

Hi so it is time to run for the hills then.

Don't. Just buy a new one online.

try this, tell him the truth and face the music.