> I accidentally moved my steering wheel and it locked while the engine is off,what damage have I done?

I accidentally moved my steering wheel and it locked while the engine is off,what damage have I done?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
What you have done is what you should do every time you park your car - apply the steering lock.

You do this by turning the wheel slightly after removing the key from the ignition.

It is a security feature that has been fitted to almost all new cars since the 1970s.

The steering lock will release when you put the ignition key back in and turn it.

You may have to move the wheel slightly to get the key to move freely.

You have not caused any damage, just like locking the car's doors doesn't cause any damage.

The only risk is if you apply the lock when the steering is either fully left or fully right, then there may not be enough extra movement in the steering to allow you to release the lock.

You are supposed to do that every time you park the car - that is the steering column lock, and is designed to prevent car thieves from making off with your car.

Whether or not you are a troll, you shouldn't be allowed to drive.

Don't worry...no damage whatsoever.

You may find the steering wheel is now locked and won't allow you to turn the ignition. If that happens, just wiggle the steering wheel while turning and key and it should release.

You didn't know the answer to this yourself. HAND IN YOUR LICENSE AND NEVER DRIVE AGAIN!

Do the reverse, insert the key and as you turn it jiggle the wheel and it will un lock

Happens all the time

I believe you turn the ignition once n jiggle it slightly. Should come loose

The steering lock has just come on, simple as that and nothing to worry about.

That is 100% normal - just the steering lock clicking into place


I parked into a tight space and my steering wheel was turned instead of straight so when I turned the engine off, I accidentally moved the steering wheel a bit and the steering locked while the engine is off.

I'm concerned if I have damaged the steering wheel by moving it a bit which made the steering locked while the engine is off