> How would guys react if I decided to work at an auto shop?

How would guys react if I decided to work at an auto shop?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
You will most likely have a hard time to start out with. You will have to prove yourself. If you really are a decent mechanic you will fall in OK before too long. When I took Auto Mech we had a girl in the class and she did fine.

Jerks would react like jerks; gentlemen would react like gentlemen. I do my own maintenance except for specialty work (transmission, exhaust, A/C) but I have no problem at all with women working on my cars. And every mechanic often wishes he had small hands! But watch that temper... show you have the chops and let your work speak for you.

As long as you know what you're doing I wouldn't have a problem at all with you working on my car. There are many male mechanics out there that should have chose a different profession.

I think it's totally awesome for a girl to work on cars.

I just had my oil changed at Walmart and a lady did the job. I thought I was lucky to get her after watching some of the guys work. She was professional and did good, clean work.

You do what you want to do it doesn't matter what people think they may like you for it. Just go for it. If you don't like it you can leave. Follow what you want to do!

I'm a girl, and i recently went to an interview for a job at an auto shop. I know quite a lot about cars, I just never let anyone know that I do because they might think its weird and i wouldn't know how they would react. Last time I told a guy I knew about cars and that I started out fixing lawn mowers when I was 10, he just started bantering me, and said some mean things, and I punched him in the face. So if I work at an auto shop, what would they think of when they see a 17 year old girl working with all guys??