> How to turn radiator on?

How to turn radiator on?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Hi time to get in a heating engineer so he could correct any problems with the system.

those markings are for temperature so it has a boiler and thermostat as well as a timer to save fuel.

the one with markings is temp control with '0' normally being fully off. graduated up through 1 11 111 with 111 being fully open valve ( hot) . the valve other end ought to be fully open at all times. ( like a tap to allow flow ) the make valve being a thermostatic type .once set it adjust itself to temp you set it at so may need tweaking couple of times to get comfort level.

Sounds like the system needs ballancing and this is not a straightforward job to explain here as it is different for different layouts.

The "switch" is a thermostatic valve which turns the radiator up or down 0 being off and iiii being full on

The valve at the other end is what is used to balance the radiators. Ones nearest the boiler and ones higher up need this valve turned down to restrict flow to them and ones further away and lower need the valve more open to get more water flow

This may help you to understand -


O means off, I is low II is medium-low, III is medium-high, and IIII is high, which are probably fan speed settings, and the knob on the right might be the temperature setting, but without saying what indicators accompany that knob, that's only my best guess, and it could be the 0thruIIII are the temperature settings, too, but I'd need to be there to sort it all out - you also didn't say if they're water, steam, electric, fan-forced or static convection - maybe the 0thruIIII adjusts a damper to slow the air convection flow through the unit. I think my answer's helpfulness can only be as thorough as the information I got :-/

talk dirty to it


All of the other radiators in the house are working, in the past this one has worked randomly...

I am not from a country where radiators are used so this may sound stupid...

One the left hand side of the radiator there is a switch marked with a little circle, then a set of lines, eg: o I II III IIII

on the right hand side there is the little knob that turns - basically does anybody have any clue what way to turn the knob and what number or line do I need to put the weird switch on?