> How to tell your mom i broke a car window?

How to tell your mom i broke a car window?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
If my mom was still alive, I would just call her up and say that some fine intelligent (and with very good grammar, I might add) person on Y/A broke a car window.

"How to tell your mom i broke a car window?"

My mom wouldn't care that you broke a car window unless it was her car window that you broke.

And what good would that do if I told my mother that you broke a car window? Step up to the plate flash and tell your own mother what YOU did.

mom I broke the window

spread the glass around beside the car and first thing in the morning go out to get your phone (or other valuable from car) come back and tell her someone broke into the car and stole said valuable. You won't get blamed and can get a new phone.

"Mom - I made a mistake and I'm so sorry!"

(Alarmed) "What happened?"

"I broke a car window."

(Relieved)" Oh! Okay, what happened?"


Good parents are prepared for much bigger shocks than that.

"Umm, sorry Mom I broke a car window"

Fess up and be truthful. One lie leads to another. "Tell the truth and shame the devil"

?Mama me creerás que se estrello un pájaro en la ventana del auto?

With your luck she probably already saw it while you were asking dumb questions on the computer!

You be honest and tell her what happened.