> How to take off valve cover on car?

How to take off valve cover on car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
These guys are right, Lyle. On the off chance, do spark plug holes go through the valve cover? If so, try pulling the plugs, block plug holes w/ rags and try then. NEVER had a v/c not come off with a few judicious whacks w/ a big rubber mallet. Good luck.

will without looking at it, we can only assume your forgetting a bolt some where or you didn't take some thing off like your suppose too. normally tapping it with mallot will loosen it up some.

No pry bars. You just have to keep working on it with the hammer. Pick a corner near the gasket and go to it. My Accord did the same thing.

a hammer on a valve cover . you guys dont know what you're talking about a rubber mallet maybe but i wouldnt even use that. its safe to say you are missing something

Get a bigger hammer. Start at a corner and drive a chisel between the cover and the head.

I have a 2000 mitsubishi eclipse gt i have taken off all the bolts and hoses connected to the valve cover and i cant get the cover to even move a centimeter.

I have tried using a rubber mallot banging on it and a pry bar... and a screwdriver... i seriously cant get this thing to move at all and its pissing me off.. there has to be some kind of trick here? This must be the original gasket on there 160 thousand miles later

Please give me some useful advice besides prying it and using a hammer ive done that.