> How to take care of a garage door?

How to take care of a garage door?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Would you leave it like that? Buy a roller and put it on.

The ones that have steel wheels and ball bearings are more reliable but noisy.

The ones that have rubber wheels and ball bearings are less reliable but quiet.

The ones that are made of plastic are junks.

They also sell hinges and bolts for the door panels.

There are companies that sell replacement rollers and cables. Reputable ones post videos on youtube showing you the replacement process. Renewed my rollers and cables that way , inexpensive and useful to know..

Lol my brother crashed into the carage when he had a car that worked on stick and the same thing happened to us, we just slid everything back into place, and when it came to opening up the garage it worked find

No. You need to call a garage door specialist... peferably one who can speak English...

One of the rollers on my garage door fell off, I haven't found it, and it's cause some of the nuts to come out of the hinges that hold the door together.

If I buy another roller and put it in there would that fix it?