> How to recover from the shock of a car crash?

How to recover from the shock of a car crash?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Talking about it helps...

It was nice of you to make more work for me...

I backed up into a truck thirst thing this morning, I just painted it the day before yesterday, forgot it was there and it was still dark out and it is a dark colored truck, I tried to fix it before the customer came but only got it in primer before he came, he llaghed about it but I wasn't to happy about it made me about another three hours work.

Oh we'll the sun still comes out...

I just read something about post traumatic stress disorder, if it still bothers you in a few weeks or months you could be developing PTSD and should seek some professional help.

This is not a car crash, its a parking mistake and its easy to do. The insurance company will make sure you remember it. Analyse what you did wrong and don't repeat it. You did not hurt anyone, its just metal and paint. No problem (apart from cash). Just get out there and drive and do it better.

It's very easy to do what you did in an automatic, so as the lady you hit was ok just try to forget it. I wrote off my BMW by smashing into the front wall of my house the same way. So don't worry it was only a parking accident and they happen a lot. Now My car is an auto and my work vehicle is a manual shift, and when driving the auto I left foot brake, go figure!

So what I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is, as you get more experience driving you will be ok.

If you can't tell the difference between the gas and brake, it's time to stop driving

It was just a little crash no one died or got injured get a god damn grip your an adult ffs not a little kid.

don't drive...

so I was parked in a space and was reversing out, I was going to fast so I took my foot off the accelerator but instead if hitting the brake I hit the accelerator again making me fly backwards into the side of a parked car. The lady who's car I hit was so lovely to me but I'm in such a state as it's my first ever accident! what can I do to calm down and try and forget this image that's burned into my memory?