> How to know if a car has a Computer (ECU)?

How to know if a car has a Computer (ECU)?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
First of all cars produced after 1980 have computers. Second a fuel injected car s less likely to need a tune up because everything is computerized. However not all Fuel injection is the same. G.M. for instance took their old two barrel carburetor and put two injectors in it and removed the guts of the carburetor, it is still better than a carburetor however except when they break down. I will explain something about computers and what they do in cars to help you understand how they operate and why computerized engines are better than carburetor run engines. Any car that was produced after the 1995 era have the following, they have a knock sensor which will allow the computer to advance or retard the timing by up to 50 degrees this allows you to buy cheaper fuel and keep the car from knocking also computerized cars have an 02 sensor which allows the computer to enrich the fuel mix when the engine is cold, carburetors have manual chokes or controlled by heat so when they warm up when the carb gets old the choke plate will stick and cause the car to burn much more fuel. A 02 sensor will cause the check engine light to come on if the engine can't lean out the fuel mix letting you know you have a problem. Computer operated engines with fuel injection also allows the computer to measure the fuel each time it is fired so it is more accurate than a carburetor. a carburetor requires vacuum for it to work properly and is like pouring gas into the engine even though they run they don't get better fuel mileage. The computer has many other advantages as well the two I mentioned are only two the computer allows the car to run much longer without having to fiddle with the carburetor or timing and it also have a built in device that allows the fuel to be measured for altitude which carburetors do not they have to be adjusted for altitude. A car running at sea level takes less fuel at sea level than at 5000 feet above sea level. This is why in the old days you would see guys off the side of the road adjusting their mixture screws to run better. In a computerized cars it does it automatically and also can change the timing without ever raising the hood when everything is functioning correctly.

Well, most anything since 1990 has a computer in it, at least an early version of it. Certainly not as complex as a 2014 car.

I had a 1991 Geo Prizm, which was just a extra cheap Toyota Corolla, because Toyota made them for Chevy for first few years.

I had fuel injection, and still had easy to reach and use air/idle mixture screw. So I could adjust that myself.

I'd think you'd have to go back into early 80's to be able to find car easier that didn't have computer.

Hey, look into some 1960's cars, I grew up with them, and they're pretty cool. NOt all the safety equipment or smog equp on engine, so you've got raw power!! yeah, it might take something to find one that's not rusted out, in fact, I'd probably find one that's partially restores, but there's nothing like working on an engine that if' somethings wrong, it's either the spark plug or the carb!! Pure car, I tell you!!

Dang, jsut over past weekend, saw some guy locally selling his 65 Mustang, really cherry condition. I didn't even stop to look, because knew I didn't have the $12-15K he's probably asking for it.

If it has a Check Engine Light, then it has a computer.

And to the person that thinks a computer can advance or retard an engine 50 degrees, you don't know jack about engines let alone the computer that runs them. A knock sensor does not allow you to buy cheaper fuel. If that were the case we would still have the leaded gasoline that was cheaper than Unleaded. And a knock sensor does not prevent an engine from knocking, it detects whether the engine is knocking or not. If the engine is knocking, the knock sensor detects it and sends a signal to the computer which then advances or retards the engine timing by a few degrees, at most 5 degrees. Anything past that and the engine performance suffers.

computers started in 1980 so their you go

any tips of checking if a car has a computer?

old carbureted cars usually dont have Ecu's right?

i wanted to buy and old car usually around the 90's

i like carbureted cars because they are easy to mechanically tune.