> How to keep car under last long rusty ?

How to keep car under last long rusty ?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
i live in snow state and my car is new how to keep it last long without rush under body ????

Vehicle under coating is big business in these states, I'm surprised the dealership you bought the car from didn't offer the service, Generally about $300 dollars, Although now that you've driven the car it will need to be steam cleaned before the undercoating can be applied so it may cost a bit more, but in the end worth it, Generally this is not a DIY job as the pros put the car on a lift and know where to concentrate the under coating for best results, and complete coverage is assured by having the car on a lift rather than crawling around on your back trying to do the job,

Get an undercoating. Rinse off the underside now and then with a hose or car wash to get the road salt off.

Zeibart places spray the bottom of the car with rustproofer. Or if you go to your local auto parts stores you can get undercoating in spray cans. I think it's about $5.00 per can and will take several cans. It works very well. It shoots out a nice stream for aiming

Wash underneath regularly, especially in the spring.

To apply super coat of anti corrosive paint and toping with FRP LINING will make least vunerable to corrosion but ingression of water

mist will on long run can propagate corrosion,one can not over rule

wash it after a snow fall

i live in snow state and my car is new how to keep it last long without rush under body ????