> How to get warranty on your car?

How to get warranty on your car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
There is almost nothing you can do, unless you live in one of very few jurisdictions where you have a very limited time to invoke buyer's remorse.

You can possibly sabotage your financing, though. If the bank won't loan the dealer the money, they have to take the car back. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to research that but my only experience with it has been through friends with good luck.

Have a good mechanic check the car out. If it's in sound mechanical condition and mileage typical of its model, you may not need a warranty. Dealers price cars without warranties accordingly (and hopefully yours did).

There are always places that claim to offer some sort of warranty coverage. Almost invariably, they wind up costing more than paying for repairs would. Bad, bad deal.

You bought the used car as, which means it's your kettle of smelly fish now.

lol so there is no way of adding a extended warranty to it becuase someone told me i could

you don't. which part of "i bought a used car from a dealer without a warranty" is unclear?

you will have to do some searching for third party warranty packages. try going online and do a search for them.

when i bought my car i was by myself and it was in a rush just to buy a new car knowing i shouldve brought someone with but anyway i thought the warranty came with the car and i thought had a warranty in my paperwork but it wasnt so long story short i bought a used car from a dealer without a warranty.... how do i get one