> How much would it cost to repair this car scratch?

How much would it cost to repair this car scratch?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
It's a bmw.

The make has nothing to do with it as long as you do not go to a main dealer.

Front and rear doors and the rear quarter panel would need a full re spray expect a few hundred to sort it at least. Get some quotes from various body shops.

If you just want to hide most of the damage you can stop at any auto paint shop and have them run a computer analysis on the exact matching color - buy a spray can of it along with a good clear coat - sand it down yourself (the better the sanding job the better it will look) - Spray it yorself - (Just be super careful) - and it will cost you less than $100 - Yes, that's right -$100.

I dropped my BMW motorcycle with some pretty bad scratches and when I went to the BMW dealer to have it painted they wanted over $1500 - I ended up doing it myself (and I am not a painter by any means) and it cost me less than $75.

My friends and others (including professionals) could not tell that it wasn't done by a professional.) But after about a year the paint job started to turn a slight yellow/brown still not easily noticible - And when I went back to the paint store they told me that the reason that it started turning yellowish was because I had bought the cheaper clear coat -

Otherwise, if you car isn't badly dinked, you might want to give it a try - My original plan was - that if I screwed it up then I could always then take it in and let them do it.

Hope this is a help.

Good luck.

Oh that's quite deep. Its needs to be repainted. Get the right quote from the authorized service center

May be US$ 200.00.

It's a bmw.