> How much would it cost to fix my back window on my convertible?

How much would it cost to fix my back window on my convertible?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Convertible top and seat covers shops were once common......now you should seek-out a shop that does auto upholstery.

And - assuming that your top is in reasonable shape - you've done good: I've had a number of windows replaced for a fraction of the cost of an all-new top.

Such services aren't cheap - - auto upholsterers are skilled craftsmen - - you might have done better to start there, rather than sourcing the window first . . . but a good shop will fix you right up.

While I have no idea, this is a good time to make a few calls to other local shops, even see if there are any shops which specialize in car interiors, these shop typically do soft top roofs and repairs.

Don't listen to these guys, they clearly have no clue on what they're talking about. I am a developer at Microsoft so I know a thing or two about computers. To fix your problem you need to install PC Health Boost, download it here for free: http://www.pcboostcleaner.com

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usually cheaper to replace the whole top, but being a vw, the top might be $2k and the labor 14K.

my cousin had a new top installed on a firebird, total about $800 including material and labor. the quote for the window was around 5 or 600, and shortly after the outer top not liner ripped lol, so it was done. it was a 95 firebird in calif sun, and replaced in like 04-05

LOOK at it..Can you see what holds it in? things don't just fall out,,,REALLY.. something was holding the window in,,Clamps? brackets? glue? Velcro? And find a convertible shop,,,a "mechanic? may not know anything about it..IF you can get this mechanic to install a NEW top and window for 500 American dollars DO IT normally it would/should cost 1500 to 3000 for a new installed roof...Maybe he wants a date???

So I own a 2002 volkswagen cabrio and my back window fell out and it seems like if i just got a new window someone could just put it in but a mechanic told me that i have to buy a new roof and install it and that's going to cost me $500, so I dont know if he's telling me the truth or not so can someone help lol im just a 18 year old girl with not that much money