> How much can I get for selling copper wires at a Junkyard?

How much can I get for selling copper wires at a Junkyard?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Scrap copper sells for about $3 a pound. Just bring it into any scrap metal dealer. Google scrap metal for your city. 10m says nothing about it's weight without knowing the wire gauge.

Hi it needs to weigh at least 10 kg before they would even be interested and they are very good at ripping you off as well.

Ring your local scrap yard. You will get 2 prices, for clean copper and dirty copper. Copper wire with the plastic sheathing is dirty and the price is much lower than clean. Stripping the insulation off 30m would be a total pain. I read recently where someone measured the weight of a metre of cable with insulation and then a metre of the actual wire with the insulation stripped off and found that he could actually get as much for dirty as for clean due to the weight differential.

$1 a pound

Be sure to strip the covering off of it so it's just bare wire. It you don't they will dock you on the price.

Take identity with you, scrapyards are now legally required to note it and can't pay cash.

Weigh it and see.


I've basically got 10m of copper wire at my home and I read online somewhere that you can sell them at junkyards. I found it in my basement so I thought why not get rid of it and earn a little cash on the side lol but but how would I go by selling it to a junkyard? and is it worth the hassle?