Typically small engines run at approximately 3500RPM as their stock maximum.
Your engine has a set no load speed of 3300RPM.
I couldn't find the RPM on that engine, BTW the model is 28Q777. I did find the manual and parts list but that won't help you - http://www.briggsandstratton.com/us/en/s...
The other 15.5 B&S runs at 3300 max governor speed -http://www.briggsandstratton.com/~/media...
Now that you have the right model #, call a small engine shop the verify it in their cross reference book.
I have a 15.5 hp briggs lawn tractor engine model # 280777 type 0668 A1. I am trying to use it to turn a hydraulic pump so, I need to determine how mant rpm the engine turns. Does anyone know thanks