> How long will a rebuilt motor last on a truck?

How long will a rebuilt motor last on a truck?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
This question depends a lot on who rebuilt the motor, how competent they are, and what sort of life they may endorse with some guarantee.

So then, the person selling a truck that has had some rebuild work done, they should have documentation on where it was serviced, and you may check with them if you like.

You will have no idea. Even if you built it there are too many factors you can't control to make even a close guesstimate, let alone a motor you have no idea what parts were put in it, what kind of work was done to put it together, etc.

An engine you can hear running that has been monkeyed with is worth a bit more than it would be worth as a core. An engine that some random person wanting to make money off you has, that you can't hear run, is worth the core price, IF that. Since you don't know if a cylinder wall is cracked, head is cracked, ran without oil, etc. I make it a practice to NEVER buy someone elses problem, unless the deal is really really good, and I know what problem I'm dealing with.

Head gaskets were replaced why? The trans was rebuilt why?

Head gasket replacement can be due to a number of things, from minor to major. A rebuilt trans is the same, as the truck could have been used for towing and/or carrying heavy items. If it was rebuilt because it just failed, that could explain the head gasket replacement as the engine may have been thrashed.

Ask if you can take the truck to an independent mechanic and have him check it out. He should be able to tell you if it is worth buying or not. If the seller won't allow that, walk away and don't look back.

I'm hoping to buy a truck that has its head gaskets replaced. Also the transmission was rebuilt. I want to know if it is worth buying.

How long is a piece of string? You're better buying a truck where someone has taken the trouble to rebuild the engine than one where the owner has just let it run to death.

My brother in-law had an engine rebuilt in a truck and it was running perfectly @ 340,000 miles before he junked it because the body had rotted off.

depends on how well rebuilt and you keep up on maintenance along with not abusing it

if done correctly 300 000 miles