> How long does it take for a stabbed tire to deflate?

How long does it take for a stabbed tire to deflate?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
As others say, they were flat within minutes.

It is good that you feel so bad, and that opens up the next door: normal people don't do that. It is very likely you have a treatable mental health problem that could make your life miserable if you don't get it under control. My daughter is a jail nurse and she estimates half the inmates (well, detainees) are there because they are uncontrolled bipolar sufferers. Most just go off their meds and off the rails. Since 4 in 100 adults are bipolar, 3 severely, there are a lot of productive bipolar sufferers out there who only stay that way with the help of medication.

I am not a health care professional - I don't know what drove you to do something you were later ashamed of. But I know it will lead you into the darkness if you don't get on top of it.

Her tires would have gone flat long before her shift ended. Unless she is incredibly unobservant, she would have noticed they were flat (it's pretty apparent when you're driving on flat tires). She may not have known they got stabbed, at least not right away, but having three flats is certainly fishy and you can bet that when she gets them changed she'll find out they were punctured.

Im sure the tires were flat by the time she got off work. You should fess up to her and buy her new tires.The company you work for should fire you. And you will probably be arrested. That was criminal, mean and spiteful. I feel sorry for you.

You need some anger management help from a professional. This is a destructive cowardly thing to do. Terroristic even. Jails are full of repentent souls. Get some help before your anger gets worse.

No more than 10 seconds if the sidewall is punctured.

Flat quick. Fix your conscience and buy her new tires.

Enjoy prison.

How am I going to get arrested if she cant prove it?

wel what u stab them with would be the first question ..... LOL

I guess she walked home that morning.

2 days ago I did something stupid.I stabbed a co worker tire because she embarrassed and hurt my feelings in front of other people so I held a grudge over her.

I felt strongly about doing it so I went and stabbed 3 of her tires at 3:00 am. she works overnight so she gets off at 7 am. When I stabbed them I heard a low whooshing sound .So do you think her tires got flat by the time she got off work which will give it 5 hours. I regret doing this deeply and I wish if I could take it back. I even broke down because I feel so bad. I don`t deserve to live for doing something this terrible. So is there any way she didn't notice that her tires was stubbed and drove to her house?

it depends on how big the hole is and where it is to an extent.