> How fast can a car be broken into?

How fast can a car be broken into?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
im pretty good with a hanger and I have pulled a lock on a jetta in less than 15 seconds.. starting is a WHOLE other issue 75% of modern cars need a special key with a micro chip in it for the car to even think about starting. and forget about hot wiring it. if the car was older like say mid 80's then possible but unlikely. a good thief can jack a car in a few minutes or less. Older cars need little more than a screwdriver and a hammer to drop the tumblers in the ignition cylinders to crank it..

In about 2 seconds

I had a 94 Tempo. It didn't have a chip in the key, but nobody would have wanted to steal it, at least not near the end of the time I had it.

An older car, pretty easy. A newer car with a chip in the key, next to impossible, they get towed away.

Even faster than that. Less than 1/2 min.

if they want it, they will get it in a very short time. a chipped key can slow them down but it is not foll proof.

It depend on how big a brick or hammer you have.

I think I just saw a car get stolen a car pulled up a man got out keeled down at the door for just a minute got inside for a minute turned it on took off an the car he got out of followed it just looked suspicious to me I was wondering how fast can a car be broken into an started?