> How does a gasoline engine work?

How does a gasoline engine work?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I need the answer asap

The gas is only the fuel that heats the compressed air very rapidly to cause the piston to be pushed down. So in reality the gas engine is a heat engine gas happens to be the fuel of choice.

Gasoline engines do not operate by the heat of compression. If you believe the answer you chose it's incorrect!

You must study the operation and submit what you do know.

We can tell you whats missing or incorrect.

It takes years to actually learn and understand.

Some folks can write it up for a test, sure, but they cannot decide what to do when something starts to go wrong.

I will look forward to you asking this again including your summary and rough draft.

Then I suggest you read the Wiki entries under "gasoline engine" or "4 stroke engine" yourself: will save us the time of reading it for you and summarizing for your homework assignment.

The gasoline goes into the cylinders and then the spark plugs spark and BAM! BAM! BAM! down the road you go.

This is honestly the best website for getting a full idea of how it works explained very well. there are some moving diagrams as well.


Hi well as indicated already wikipedia is going to be the best place to find that out.


thank you


I need the answer asap