> How do you remove crayon from car fabric upholstery?

How do you remove crayon from car fabric upholstery?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Crayons is grease, I would use wax and grease remover, nail polish remover or Seth like that. Or lacquer thinner and a rag.

I would try scrapping at it with my fingernail. Afterwards I'd put a little Dawn on the spot let

it soak in a few minutes and rub with a wet cloth in circular motion. Then I'd keep rinsing the

cloth out and rubbing the spot until the Dawn was gone. They do have upholstery cleaners

for cars though.

Use a hair dryer to soften the crayon and then mop it out slowly.


You have to heat it,til you see it liquify again,(without burning,tricky but can be done,have done it) then quickly wipe with hot cloth and detergent. Let dry,if a trace remains repeat,that should do it.~*


This is a very good question?