> How do i change seconds to hours?

How do i change seconds to hours?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Divide by 60 to get minutes.

Divide by 60 again to get hours.

Or divide by 3600, but don't loose track of the decimal place.

To convert seconds to minutes, divide by 60

Divide that by 60 to get hours.

60 x 60 = 3600

Divide (seconds) by 3600.

you cant ...but you can change hours to seconds ..its 60x60-3600 seconds per hour ...you could say 10 seconds is one three hundredand and sixtieth of an hour ...but it makes not a lot of sense

First you change seconds to days. Then you change days to centuries. Then you change centuries to millenia. From there, it's easy to convert to hours.

When I was just barely old enough to know a few words, I learned from my mom that a week was longer than a year. How I learned that was that she said something casually about next year, and she said if I didn't behave better she would spank me so hard I wouldn't be able to sit down for a week. That made it obvious a week was longer than a year, because of how casually she talked about next year, and how sternly she talked about not being able to sit down for a week.

Divide by 60 to get minutes

Divide by 60 to get hours

60 seconds = one minute. 60 X 60 = 3,600 seconds in one hour.

Slow down.