> How do I know if my vehicle has a 12 volt power outlet?

How do I know if my vehicle has a 12 volt power outlet?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
A cigarette lighter outlet and a 12 volt power outlet are the same thing. Newer vehicles may have several outlets and only one or two cigarette lighters, because nowadays more people use electronic devices than smoke cigarettes.

At least in my Ford products, newer models come with mulitiple power outlets.....if you want a cigarette lighter, the socket must be changed as they are different sizes (to prevent a cigarette lighter being put in a power socket, which as Shorty says, may be plastic and would melt from lighter heat).

Your Owners Manual should say where outlets are located.....some are not obvious: our Mustang has one inside the console....our Lincoln has one on the passenger side of the console where the driver would never see it.

The main difference is if it is called a cigarette lighter by the manufacturer it must be made of all metal, or something else, that the heat of the lighter coil won't affect. If it is a "power outlet" it can be made out of plastic.

the outlets are only cigarette lighters if they have the burner bit in them that can be removed to light a ciggy, if you take the ciggy lighter bit out that becomes an electric socket, my car has 3, one in the dash board, one for the back seat passengers and one in the trunk, they all look the same but only 2 are able to take the power that an air pump needs, look for the fuses first to see which has the bigger fuse.

You can get multi power outlets that also plug into your cigarette lighter. You can also hook up your own as i have done.I hooked mine up directly to the battery so i didn't have to have the ignition on while using tyre inflators(compressors) phone charges etc.

every ........... car / truck .ive ever seen has at least one out let,.........( a lighter socket )...some cars have them in the back seat too