> How do I get super glue off a car?

How do I get super glue off a car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Nail polish remover (acetone) is the recommended product for removing super glue. Unfortunately, it will also remove paint so you will have to be very careful and even then you might damage your paint.

now that it's dry, dont rush into doing anything that could damage the paint work.

Nail polish remover should get it off. Acetone.

hot water and waship up liquid removes glue dont use anything that will strip the paint off your car , such as acetone or emery paper, sandpaper etc, you will damage paintwork.

Try rubbing a bit of paint thinner (not too rough)

Try goof off, pretty cheap maybe $4-$5, at any auto parts store and walmart

So I was fixing a part on my car with a friend we were wearing gloves he accidentally whipped the door not a huge area By the time he notice he had kind of smeared it and it got hard now what can I do to remove it ? Ace tone ? I heard that works with some super fine sand paper maybe a wet sand can do it? Some remover ? Worried more about the paint tho any suggestions please