> How do I get motor oil of my dog?

How do I get motor oil of my dog?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
It's probably too late but, the first thing you do is get as much as you can with dry paper towels. Oil doesn't mix with water so you want to absorb as much as you can with good absorbent towels before you do anything. Scrub your pup all over with the paper towels as best you can and don't try and save towels, use new ones as soon as they saturate. After you've done the best you can, pour pure liquid Palmolive or Dawn dish detergent all over your Dog and push it around with your hands until the dog is completely covered. Once this is done, rinse well with warm water, do the paper towel thing again, then do the detergent again, warm water, paper towels, then cotton towels. That about the best you can do .

soap and water. give it a bath. a garden hose could be key so that you do not get oil in the tub but the grass may suffer too along with you and the dog from the cold.

Shampoo. Dog Bath. Lather, rinse, repeat.

If its on the dogs coat, give him a warm bath in Joy or Dawn soap. If its in him, take him to the vet.

Soak in water i quess, dont put anything harsh on them, dont get the oil on your hands, maybe gloves? I dont exactly know, I asked my dad, and he said the gentlest things possible.

Feed him wet dog food. Then keep him outdoors. A real mess is due.He'll be fine afterwards. Then feed him his regular food.


Sit,,,,,,, Leave

Andy C