> How can I know if my automatic transmission fluid is leaking?

How can I know if my automatic transmission fluid is leaking?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
There are all type of fluids on your car:

-Engine oil

-Engine coolant/water (Green, yellow, orange, or blue water)

-Transmission fluid (Look like engine oil)

-Power steering fluid (Look like oil)

-Brake fluid (Look like oil)

Also air conditioner refrigerant, but I wouldn't call it just fluid (It can be air).

Basically, you pop the hood and check for the levels of these fluids on your car. If you see them on the floor then there must be a big leak somewhere.

The spot in the parking lot could come from another car.

Water coming out of the exhaust pine is fine, or after you used the air conditioner.

Drips under the car, fluid on the gearbox housing.

Look for a pink liquid on the ground under the middle of the car.

You could always just check the fluid level from your transmission. If you don't know how, then try reading the owner's manual.