> Horrible groaning when I brake?

Horrible groaning when I brake?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
here is a groaning noise when I brake slowly or am coming to a light. any ideas?

With the car parked off the road, turn the wheel all the way to the left / right - see if you can see what the pads and discs look like. If they're worn (as Dev. suggests) you might be hearing a grinding noise (metal on metal).

If the noise is more like a deep squeak / moan, it might be that the pads have developed a sheen, which makes a loud noise under braking - this normally happens if the brakes don't get hot enough (with people that brake very gently etc). You can fix this by either replacing the pads, or riding the brakes going down hills to get them hot and burn off the sheen.

If you've lost power in the brakes, stop driving the car and get them checked!

You need to change your break pads as early as possible. You should go to a garage and ask the technician for the same. Just take a look at this blog http://www.europeanservicecenter.com/how... and it also has a info-graphics which will help you to give clear information regarding break replacement. There you can see the information regarding whether you have to change your break pad or not. You will know everything.

Dittos to Dev Adv - - - I have my tires rotated every 5000 miles as recommended and have the mechanic check to estimate how many miles are left on the brake pads.......I don't like surprises like your "groan".

Rotors will need resurfacing at the least - probably will need to be replaced.

How many miles have you driven on your current brake pads? If you have worn the pads all the way down, it will make a loud sound like that, and neglecting it further could cause further damage to your vehicle, such as grinding of the rotors.

todays brake pads love to make noise. especially ceramic ones....

let me guess the first stops of a drive after extended sitting is the worst. after driving a while it is reduced or goes away.......

Need new brake pads!

there is a groaning noise when I brake slowly or am coming to a light. any ideas?