> Help! I bought a small office type trailer 30 ' x 8 in which the lug nuts were frozen and had to be broken off and r

Help! I bought a small office type trailer 30 ' x 8 in which the lug nuts were frozen and had to be broken off and r

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
doesnt make sense... if lugs had to be broken, what would you be rethreading???

If you are moving something that sat for years just start moving it.

The frozen stuff will tell you by noise.

If its that small brakes may not be on there but if its heavy then there have to be. have a look. and they are electric. so check that system, put a battery in, check the break away switch, etc.

Take all your wheels to be inspected or just pull it out and look at them for weakening, rust and weather checking. You can tear it down there, or have it taken to an RV shop for a refit.

get the wheel bearings inspected/repacked/replaced if needed. check all lights for proper function. and have the tonge inspected for stress cracks. the entire tonge assembly as it goes under the trailer.

toss those tires and net new radials. inspect shocks/springs-app. if it has brakes, have them inspected.

should cover all typical issues with trailers

Definitely replace the wheel bearings, and inspect the brakes (if any) to be certain they are functioning properly.

The bearings have probably long gone. At worst you will have to replace the whole wheel assembly.

Danny the person I hired stated the hub had to be rethreaded.

Also the tube tires were rotted and the tire repair place guy said the tube could be OK but it could be a problem so I'm taking back some regular tires. If you're moving a trailer that has been sitting there for years what other things need to be checked underneath that could be rusted and frozen like moving parts? What other moving parts are there underneath? The frame is still in good shape.