> Got into a car crash, do I need to pay that person for the damage?

Got into a car crash, do I need to pay that person for the damage?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 

If you pass the other persons details to your insurance you pay the deductible and they pay the rest. So you do not pay any money directly to the other person. Some people opt to pay for all as it saves the insurance costing more. However some times the other person may suggest it if they don't have insurance. Contact the other person and demand their insurance details or you will contact the police.

Andy C

No. If you have insurance. The insurance will cover it. If you want to pay for it, you tell the insurance you will reimburse them so they don't increase your premiums. That is if you find it's worth saving in the long run.

Definitely let the insurance handle it. The bumper cover will probably be repainted rather than replaced (and repainted).

Never commit to anything, including admitting fault, at an accident scene. Just say the insurance people will handle it. You have to provide license, registration and insurance. That's all.

Let your insurance handle it. Do not pay anyone for the bumper. Your insurance will talk to her, and her insurance co. If she calls you about it refer her to your Ins. co.

I bumped into a car today, minor small scratches(like 4), no dents or broken lights. The lady wanted me to write a statement saying I'd pay for a new bumper since the cops were taking too long to arrive. Before I could finish the statement, the cops arrived & I told the cops about the statement I wrote & he said "that's irrelevant, let your insurance take care of it." My insurance covers any car I would hit, so my question is do I still need to pay for a new bumper or would my insurance cover it? Thank you(: