> Got a paint job..but now small bubbles are forming:(?

Got a paint job..but now small bubbles are forming:(?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Yup, I guess you wait.

If he redoes it now and the fibreglass underneath is still gassing, then it's just going to bubble again. Wait a few more weeks, let the resins cure 100%, and have it redone then.

At least he's standing behind his work, but he knows that if he resprays now, the same thing will happen again. You will be even more annoyed, and he's wasted his time and materials.


Make sure to let him know to do the whole nine considering you piad 2000 for it. They should have sanded it primered it painted clear coated evrything.

Wear a paper bag over your head so no one sees it's you driving an ugly car.



Sounds reasonable...

You do what he says. He's going to repair it.

I paid 2000:( now bubbles areonly formin on the hood. He said ithad to deal with the fiberglass on the hood. He told me wait till the paint hardens up in 30 days and he redoes it for free

How does this happen? The paint job is beautiful. There is only small tiny bubbles only on hood nowhere else

What do i do in the meantime? It looks ugly up close: (