> GUYS, I have a doubt about car panel. Is it true about it or the person is fooling me?

GUYS, I have a doubt about car panel. Is it true about it or the person is fooling me?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
If your brother wants this latest technology then he should buy a car he likes. If he does not have the money he should just STFU and stop asking mommy to buy him a new toy.

You're a moron and your brother sounds like a pest (and a moron). The both of you ought to shut up because you're both very annoying.

Not sure how buyer a new car or lawn mower, toaster for that matter, would impact the what the other car displays? Not sure what you mean by panel?

What panel does you brother speak of?

My brother is nagging my mom to buy a new car. He already has his, so why to nag my mom soooo much if she is happy with her old car?

He says when our mom buys her new car, he wants to use it because the panel will show the defects of the car, and my mom doesn't know how it works.

It sounds strange for me...bcos he is nagging a lot. It's annoying bcos he does this every day.

Does this panel really exist? What do you think about his behaviour? Suspicious?