> Engine white smoke diagnosis help?

Engine white smoke diagnosis help?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Probably is spraying a bit of antifreeze onto the exhaust manifold causing the smoke. As far as the valve cover leak, The oil burning would smell of burning oil very prominently, but the color would probably not be white.

its probably just a little bit of coolant or oil that is leaking onto hotter parts of the car...does your exhaust go under the engine? kind of like the ones that are found in Honda's? if so i would just fix the stuff that is leaking and that should solve the problem. If it were white smoke coming out of the tail pipe then that would be the head gasket.try to see if any thing under the car looks to be burning and when you find that look around that area and see what is getting on it.probably just coolant though

If the radiator isn't full when the engine is stone cold the temperature gauge can be lying because the electronic temperature sensor isn't touching coolant in the water-jacket.

First repair or replace your radiator. The inside of your radiator is high pressure when working and you need water to cool your engine. I suspect your valve seal is shot so you need to have this replaced by a competent mechanic. This is a tough job.

I dont have any history with this car. The engine has a little white smoke coming from underneath the engine after 5 mins of driving.I know it needs a valve cover gasket because the spark plug is saturated in oil. I also notice a radiator crack thats oozing some coolant out. I ruled out head gasket because oil and coolant are not mixing.

The temp gauge says its not overheating but its smoking. Isthe gauge lying or is that possible? Also can a valve cover gasket leak cause white smoke to be coming from bottom of engine? can a coolant leak cause that? how can I go about figuring this out. I dont wanna replace rad and gasket if its something bigger.