> Does motor oil lose its effectiveness if it is stored and not used for maybe a couple of years.?

Does motor oil lose its effectiveness if it is stored and not used for maybe a couple of years.?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Yes the additive like zinc in the oil will oxidize if not sealed.

Edit: Couple of years will be fine. 10 years not so. It would degrade and separate(additives).

YES but GAS is even worse! IT depends on WHO made the oi lin the first place and what additives were in it! SYNTHETIC OIL will not degrade over time and will NOT GEL UP like reg mineral oil does! NO ONE but MAZDA ROTARY should use REG wax based oil in ANY CAR made after 1980! GOOD LUCK!!

idk but my dad had 20l drum of tractor engine oil that was probably a quarter full and it had like a jelly consistency

what if it has not been opened.