> Do you prefer diesel or gas engine?

Do you prefer diesel or gas engine?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Turbocharged diesel engines get better fuel economy and go thousands of miles longer between major overhauls. State government, federal government taxes overpriced diesel fuel more than they should.

There are a higher percentage of diesel cars and trucks than gas engines in Europe!

We have NEVER had a diesel fuel injection pump fail. Don't let Dave C. the non-mechanic pull your leg!

Diesel engine is better than gas engine as safety point of view.

I'm going to be the odd man out and say diesel. For cars, you'll get much better fuel mileage and diesel fuel is (usually) cheaper. My old diesel Land Cruiser was great to drive with endless torque and my inlaw's diesel Jetta gets about 800km (about 500 miles) per tank.

Diesel hands down, way better gas mileage, and way more towing and hauling capacity, and lets not forget the extended engine life due to excellent design!!!

If you want fuel economy combined with plenty of torque diesel is the way to go. Dave C hasn't a clue. My diesel has covered 94,000 miles without a hiccup.

Gas. My work trucks have been diesel for the last 8 years or so and they have good cruise range but that is about all they have going for them. Decent power when they get going but throttle response is very slow.

I prefer diesel

Gas in my daily driver, Diesel in my over the road semi rig.

if your pulling and hauling a diesel would be your best choice the down side is it cost more than gas

gas if you drive a lot just change fluids often and and keep ideling to a minamum

I prefer diesel engine because of its low price and durability as well as depends on your travel distance.

Diesel but it really depends on your mileage and whether you need to save on fuel


"Diesel" No doubt about it...

I prefer only PET............. ROLL............