> Did Home Depot ruin my truck key?

Did Home Depot ruin my truck key?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Not Home Depot fault. When you put the new key in and it did not work you go back in the store and get them to remake the key. Also the key you had it made off was probably a copy of your wife's key to begin with.

Any key copier can do that. With a lot of use the key wears thin. They the follower on the copier mushrooms the thin metal and makes your original key not work as good and makes the new key wrong. You should always use the key that has not been used much as the master when making other keys.

Yeah, sorry but Home Depot really isn't the place for vehicle keys. milton has some good advice. When he says locksmith, he doesn't mean a hardware store either.

Always use an original key as a copy. Go back to Home Depot and have another cut from the original. If you have no luck have one cut at a Chevrolet dealership. Take your VIN code with you.

Try taking your wife's key to a real locksmith (cheap) or a dealer (expensive) and have them make a key for you. There are a couple of things that could be wrong here but a locksmith should be able to sort it out for you.


So I have a 2005 Chevy Colorado. I took the key to Home Depot to get a spare made for my brother. After I got the spare I decided to test it out. At first the ignition wouldn't turn. Not that the engine couldn't turn over, but the key couldn't move at all. After a few jiggles, the key turned and care came on no problem. I drove down the road to a grocery store. Grabbed some groceries and then came back and this time it took longer to get the spare key to turn. I then turned the steering wheel to where it was locked and then turned the wheel and the key to get the wheel to unlock and the key to turn. I drove to a gas station, filled the tank and then spent the next hour using both the original and the spare key but neither key was working. After I gave up, I called my wife (who was at work) to come bail me out since she had a key. Her key worked perfectly so she tried mine the new one and they both still wouldn't turn. So now it looks like we only have one working key thanks to Home Depot.