> Could sweaty/dirty-mud hands/finger cause paintwork to fade/damage?

Could sweaty/dirty-mud hands/finger cause paintwork to fade/damage?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Oil (from hands or other sources) can soak into paint. I "think" that a good car polish, such as Rage or TR-3 could fix the problem.

Dirt on windows can protect the car's interior. The glass is not affected by dirt. The dirt blocks the sun and the sun can damage the interior of the car.

Dirt on paint would have the same effect (blocks sunlight, so protects the paint). However, the dirt might have chemicals that could eat away at the paint (perhaps salts).

In salty areas, such as Michigan, where they salt roads to melt snow, salt can be harmful to paint. It stands to reason that salt from sweat could do the same thing. It is a slow and gradual effect, so if you clean it off it is likely going to be fine. Often the undercarriage of cars (springs, etc) are affected by salt. Some cars, like the Mercury, have recalls to fix unprotected springs (coat them to keep salt from harming them).

I don't think that the man did any permanent damage. Car polish should fix whatever he did.

Hi you have some kind of illness that is for sure. why keep asking the same silly questions. you obviously have issue with so many people. so it must be you that has an illness. car bodies have to take being lashed by rain snow hail and many things like trees and bushes this is all part of what a car body has to have thrown at it.

your problems are you judge people out of hand so he has dirty hand probably got them dirty doing an honest days work.

You are either a troll or totally paranoid. Car paint work is designed to withstand wind, rain, hail, snow, dust etc etc for years and years. A dirty hand mark is preferable to a Seagull dumping its crap !

You asked this a couple of days ago, are you still worrying about it? If so I'd give it a full wash, 3 rinses and then a couple of waxes; but don't do it when there's a 'Y' in the day.

Since you "care for my assets" you probably have a good coat of wax on it, so don't "sweat" it.

Relax. No big deal.

You are suffering from OCD. That's not a normal way to react when someone touches your car. Seriously, you need help.

As long as you have proper paint on the car it will be fine.

A coat of good quality wax is the best way to protect your paint.

Have you sought help for this paranoia or is it some form of OCD - you are being quite ridiculous.

Whilst there are a few things that can damage car finishes normal human contact is not one of them.

No, especially since you cleaned it off immediately.

But you gave way too much information, and now everyone who reads the question will know beyond any doubt that you are prejudiced and judgmental.

I would suggest your best option is to seek out a cognitive behavioral therapist to help you with your OCD as someone mentioned earlier in this thread. Stop obsessing over something so stupid.

I like to keep my car clean, so I was walking to my car when this man(who English isn't his first language+ he looked like he has dirty hands), knocked on my window and asked me to call someone which I didn't have credits on my phone and explained to him many times but he was still holding onto the top of my car door(leaving dirty finger/hand marks) which somehow he didn't want to let me go until I had to demonstrate by using hand signals to illustrate.

I would judge the man as if he looks like he takes drugs.

When I got home quickly I grabbed a tissue,soaked it with water and wiped off the finger marks but Im not sure if dirty/sweaty fingers/hands marks will damage the paint work

I care for my assets as I spend thousands so I want to maintain its life as possible

The sun will do far more damage than anything from your hands...unless you have acetone on your hands.