> Cheap car insurance for 18 year old?

Cheap car insurance for 18 year old?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Stick to a car with low capacity engin, i.e. 1.1 or 1.2 L car.

Avoid the folloowing: Saxo, peugeot 306, Corsa, Escort.

These are cheapest: Citroen AX, Ford Fiesta, Ford Ka, Kia Pride, old Skoda.

Try naming your mum / dad / someone related and aged over 25 as a second named driver.

Keep the miles per year under 4000

Keep it parked off the road or in a garage (if possible, if it's not garaged, it wont be covered for theft if you told your insurance it was)

Try for third party Fire and Theft only. (TPFT)

Or if you're happy that a £400 car that gets stolen is a write of, go for Third party only (TPO) Insurance. Stay away from fully comprehensive as the value of your own car is so low.

(I have a £4000 ZX6R Motorbike insured TPFT because fully comp wasn't worth the extra Excesses on the policy.)

I couldn't afford a car till I was 25, even though I did my test at 21.

Best of luck!

In the UK?

Good luck for getting under £1000.

I'm 22, only had license 8 months, and when I passed (Still @ 22 years of age), cheapest was £1500 on a 1.1L car from 1993. It wasn't exactly a 'boy racer' kind of car either.

In real terms, expect to pay over £1500 a year. Insurance isn't cheap for young drivers sadly. After 6 months or so of holding the license, it does come down a little, then alot more with 1 years no claims.

As for tips, put parents as named drivers on the policy. Also, using the car for social only will bring it down. Sometimes full compy is also cheaper than third party fire and theft, so check both.

Car insurance acts like a great friend at the time of crisis. It covers the losses made in an accident and thus saves you from paying out the huge sum from your pocket. However, there does also need to be insurance on the car itself, so the owner of the car needs to take out a policy to cover it. The extension is just there in case you need to drive the car and are not a named driver under the owner's policy. One thing to bear in mind though is that you are only getting third party only cover under this extension, regardless of the cover you have on your own car, so if you have an accident, the insurer will pay out for damage to anyone else's car or property if you are to blame, but you will have to foot the bill for damage to the car you are driving under the extension yourself.

To be honest there are lots of ways to get the best quote for a car insurance., My friend used http://official-car-insurance-quotes.com... for getting a quote in 30 seconds. They are really fast and covers the cheaper price in the market.

Your Pal.


(CEO, infosystimes)

Well I am presuming your in the UK? You should shop around, in your courtly I typed: Online insurance quotes country united kingdom and got a bunch of results example below In any event online quote's are free in the USA

Here is s link I just found says cheap car insurance.


Here the types of insurance you can get http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_ins...

I read in there that the insurance cost is also based on the vehicle price The more the car the more you pay.

Hope it helps



We recommend checking out the Kia lineup. Our compact vehicles have an affordable price tag and may be less expensive to insure. Good luck!

Raul T.

Kia Social Team

You'll need to call around and ask for the minimum.

Here the state minimum is called PLPD, and that might not be very low depending on how well you have kept insurance and your driving recording and what not.

http://official-car-insurance-quotes.com... is what I personally use

Ok my younger brother is looking for cheap car insurance, hes just turned 18 and is looking at cars in the £400 region, there has been loads of nice looking cars for that price all fully working but obviously reasonably old. this is fine but when it comes to insurance some companies have quoted up to £8000!!

I was just wondering if anyone had any tips that could help us out? aiming for under £1000 if possible!
