> Car starting?

Car starting?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Car takes a while to start. I mean it's 40 years old. But its annoying. Wondering if it's just me?

They always did! But maybe you are not setting the choke before you try.

Press the accelerator pedal all the way to the floor, release it and depress the pedal about 1/4 of the way to the floor before turning the ignition switch. That was the technique I used on cars with out fuel injection. If you can find a owners manual and read how to start the car, older cars were more temperamental then new ones on cold and hot starts.

Well the old cars have to pump the fuel up before they start, somethe fuel is their from last start but many the fuel must evaporate. So found that if I fitted an electric fuel pump in line just to fill the carburettor bowl , they normally start straight away. Once going the electric pump can be turned off. That is if it does not have an electric pump, then it does not need it.to have fuel immediately for when the key is turned it should then start. An electric pump can be put inline with the existing mechanical pump. I. Have done this many times. Especially with a diesel they then start quicker if they happen to be a slow starter.

Well a 40 year old car won't exactly start like a 2014 model. Try changing the spark plugs, fuel pump. That might help a little.

Old cars are easy.

You need a spark, fuel and movement for it to start.

Check the timing and condition of the ignition system.

Check the carburettor is not flooding and you have fuel there.

It should start straight away.

Car takes a while to start. I mean it's 40 years old. But its annoying. Wondering if it's just me?