> Car pulling to the left and it ain't wheel alignment ?

Car pulling to the left and it ain't wheel alignment ?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
If the brakes are not dragging I'd swap the tires from the left to the right side to see if the pull goes to the right. If it does you have a bad belt in a tire. You may also have a bad lower control arm bushing. That's a bit harder to diagnose as you need a drive on alignment rack that raises the vehicle with the weight of the vehicle still on the tires. That way you can pry on the control arms to look for movement. If the tires are not on the "ground" you can't pry the control arm where the wear occurs in the bushing and you miss the problem.

All cars will pull slowly to the left if you let go of the steering wheel - because roads have a slight slope in that direction to let the rainwater drain off (it is called a camber).

That is one reason why you are taught not to let go of the steering wheel while driving!

You have a toe angle issue or the camber is not adjusted properly. The dealer of the car knows more about the alignment on your car than anybody.

Tyres can cause pulling (rotate them front to back - if no change then rotate them left to right and see if the car still pulls left).

could be suspension fault, is the engine management light on the dashboard?

tires balanced properly

My Car Skoda Rapid 2014 is pulling to the left, if i let go of the wheel it will dive into the left.

I have had the wheel alignment and steering alignment checked and both are centered, the tyres themselves have even wear and correct pressure and from looking underneath they can't see any problems and every looks fine but are stumped as they can feel the car pulling themselves but have no idea what is the cause ?