> Car problem?

Car problem?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
There's a chance you've damaged a heat shield, or the exhaust or something. Take it to the dealer if it's a new car.

we had something like that happen with a newer Nissan. It was the heat shield under the exhaust system that was dinged up when someone here hit a dead carcass.

I'd ask the dealer to have a look; on a new car, he should tell you if there is a problem, it it's under warranty and what you need to do here.

it might have torn a heat shield loose from around the exhaust system ! you need to take it to a garage so they can put it on a lift to check it out !

If the fox is big , and you were driving fast before you ran over the fox and caused the car to bump hard then maybe some parts just got moved or something like that .

Get the car checked just to be sure

Damage to underside - needs inspecting - impossible to internet diagnose except to say that clutch is very very unllikely to be the problem as it is safely enclosed

Hello everyone, so this morning I was driving to work and run over a poor fox I went straight over him I stopped to see if I could help him but sadly I couldn't. Since then my car has been making a rattling sound. I'm not sure if it's the clutch or something else when I pull away it rattles and doesn't sound that good but when I'm going along at a good pace it drives perfect, I'm really not sure what it is as the car is brand new and done less than 1000 miles. Thanks for reading