> Car mechanic?

Car mechanic?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
There's always going to be a need for people to service cars. Unfortunately I've watched good mechanic jobs turn into parts replacing jobs that pay squat. Warranty pays poorly and having to deal with all the electronics turns you into a IT man. More waste of time. If you're dead set on wrenching get into being a truck mechanic or work on construction equipment.

Friend a mechanic then?

is so then he's not much of one then.

It is true that modern mechanics is a little different from say 30 year ago,

So this week started with a clutch on a Ford,

coil pack replacement on a Merc,

brake pipes and new wheel studs on an Accord............

in fact as of today my diagnostics haven't been out.

Oh but I've a miss fire on a Ford coming in on Friday so at the END of the week I've got some electrical wizardry to perform.


cars fix themselves............................

Everything might be turning electronic but some one has to pull the pug or plug in the computer or take a wheel off to renew the brakes or replace the clutch plate etc

So if you want to be a mechanic you be one, there are still cars running that were about when your dads dad was driving perhaps some 50 or 60 yrs ago

Your friend is wrong. Just because they are electronic doesn't mean they won't need repaired. Cars will always need mechanics to fix them.

Your friend is wrong. Just because they are electronic doesn't mean they won't need repaired. Cars will always need mechanics to fix them.

Your friend is wrong. Just because they are electronic doesn't mean they won't need repaired. Cars will always need mechanics to fix them.

Your friend is wrong. Just because they are electronic doesn't mean they won't need repaired. Cars will always need mechanics to fix them.

Your friend is wrong. Just because they are electronic doesn't mean they won't need repaired. Cars will always need mechanics to fix them.

Cars are increasingly controlled by sophisticated electronics, but there is still and will always be some sort of "machinery" required to make those cars go. And machinery will likely always wear out with age and use because just about everything wears out with age and use.

As long as there are millions of people owning and driving millions of cars there will be a need for mechanics to keep them on the road because components will always wear out and need repair. What you need to LEARN as a mechanic to do the job will likely be significantly different than what was required back in the "olden days", but there will be a need for mechanics to fix cars as long as people have cars that need fixing.

You will benefit greatly from learning the facts abut how things work on a car.

This will help you in your life.

The problem is if you try to make a living.

You will then start to see WHAT people really are, and be sickened by it.

You can be very careful and selective about every single thing you choose to help with.

Let your yes be a yes and your no be a no.

Help your friends but always expect nothing and you wont be disappointed.

Proper tools and test equipment is expensive and must be updated.

This means what you charge must increase.

It is wise to get hired by a place where they provide and replace what you need to do your job.

An automobile mechanic can find himself unable without his own.

Thats where your wages will go.

Ingenuity is just as valueable as tools to a technician.

You must have the aptitude.

Then you must be shrewd. Learn to say no to people.

Will car mechanics all be needed?

I wanna be a car mechanic but my friend says Don't be one everything's become electronic so soon they'll be no need for them. Is this true?

Who is this friend is he a toilet mechanic, it sounds like it. So far the electronics are causing many many problems and often the dealers, agents of the cars cannot even repair, so to be a mechanic the world is your oyster.

Yes maybe car mechanics opportunities are declining as future jobs, but someone has to know how to how to mess and tinker with all that electrical mess. So go and be a mechanic you will just have to be an electrical mechanic lol

There hasn't been a car made with a carburator since 1987 -1988....things been going electronic for many years now. Guess what? Water pumps still go bad, power steeering goes bad, air conditioner compressors go bad, transmissions go bad, rear end gears, etc.....someone has to bust their knuckles and replace that 5hit. Your friend is a dumb@ss of the first order.

We'll all be dead soon too. Gasoline cars will be with us for a long time. And electric cars will require service too. You might end up restoring cars for the gas car museum but there will still be that.

In spite of all the computer controls, under all the fancy covers there are still nuts and bolts. The need for mechanics is not going away for another generation. Your friend should come back to you crying about the diploma he paid $200,000 for and can't get hired for much more than minimum wage, while you earn an upper middle class salary with benefits and are half finished paying for your home then.

More and more people are intimidated by the complexity of cars so, now fewer work on them themselves. So i'd say there will be more demand.

Pick something else. There is much less for mechanics to do. With most work being warranty the pay for techs is shrinking at an alarming rate.

Who's going to change wheel bearings, half-shafts, engine oil and filter, transmission oil and filter, water-pumps, air conditioner compressors, air conditioner condensors. Who's going to mop-up non-mechanics messes?

a mechanic still has to work on it. even a prius has mechanical systems.

there will always be a need for mechanic. cars are machines, and with all machines it eventually falls apart and will need someone to fix it.

a mechanic still has to work on it. even a prius has mechanical systems.

Your friend isn't very bright, I wouldn't take his advice.

a mechanic still has to work on it. even a prius has mechanical systems.

dont give it a second thought. go for it. a good basic knowledge of electricity is mandatory along with automotive training. get training in gas,diese, electric, hybrid, and alternative power, and most of all,KNOW HOW TO READ A WIRING DIAGRAM

maybe for the factories but once they leave there repair will always be needed on every car unless you just got it like that, like the Jetsons.

a mechanic still has to work on it. even a prius has mechanical systems.

Your friend isn't very bright, I wouldn't take his advice.

a mechanic still has to work on it. even a prius has mechanical systems.

Manual work wont fade anytime soon/

the changeover may be coming but it will happen well after your long gone.