> Car help please!?

Car help please!?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Do I have to get a wheel aligment if I'm taking off one of my rear wheel so they can patch it from a whole it got?

A wheel alignement has to be done when some component of the suspension or linkage is damaged. Usually you will know you need an alighment because the car will pull either right or left or your tire wear will not be even across the tire (which can indicate an alignment issue)

Taking a tire off the car does not mean it needs an alignment.

If the hole in the tire was patched and the tire was never removed from the rim then you don't even need to balance it.

If the tire was removed from the rim for an inspection then you would need it to be rebalance but then it could go right back on the car and you're good to go.

yes you have to get aligment if the last wheel got falt

Alignment no - but the wheel will need to be balanced.

No, its not necessary unless you have hit a kerb or something.

Do I have to get a wheel aligment if I'm taking off one of my rear wheel so they can patch it from a whole it got?