> Car engine vibration problem? What is wrong?

Car engine vibration problem? What is wrong?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Vibration from the vehicle usually doesn't indicate something in the engine compartment so that would explain the engine light not coming on. You could have bad struts, you could need new ball joints, depending on if your parents have hit something, they could have bent rims. Best thing for you to do is ask them to look at your suspension system and make sure your struts and ball joints are alright. worn out dampers (Shocks) could cause vibration but probably not that bad. Hope that helped you out a little. Best of luck

Well the car is out of alignment get the tires balanced and aligned and that will should be gone. Unless you have strut issues. Just take it to a shop and go from there.

Sounds like you've got a bad tire, maybe a broken in the tire

Could be a lot of things something that spins wheel drive shaft etc I would take it to a garage and have it looked at .. A professional is much better then I am at finding the problem knows so much more then most of us will ever know .

Tires, get the tires checked. I had brand new ones put on my pickup and after only 200 or so miles, one of the balance weights came off. Turns out that wasn't the only problem. The tread had separated. A round tire is a happy tire. A separated tread does not a round tire make.

So my parents nissan pathfinder has some problems. When I drive it, I feel a noticeable vibration at around 2.5k rpm. This is only around the 80-100 km/h range. Possibly even higher than 100. The faster I drive the vibration increases. At lower speeds there isn't much vibration.

The vehicle is vibrating as a can of pop in the cup holder rattles...

the steering wheel vibrates, I can feel it.

Also the pedals vibrate.

Something doesn't seem right but what could it be? I am thinking it has to do with the transmission. Also, in the first gear when driving from standstill, I 'sometimes' notice a clicking type sound coming from the rear of the car. The sound has a whistle to it as well. This does not happen all the time though so I don't know what is causing it. The times I have noticed it was early in my driving phase , so near start-up.

Any possible ideas? No engine problem light comes.