> Car dealership wrecked my car!?

Car dealership wrecked my car!?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Do not make any statement to them and hire an attorney. Or get jammed by the dealer, your choice.

They are experts on this and it has happened before. Here is logic very few people understand.

When you buy car insurance it is to pay for accidents you cause, and repair your car if damaged in a single car accident, hit and run, etc. It is NOT designed to "Make you whole". And you accept that as part of the deal. So if my car is in an accident and repaired, I take the loss related to diminished re-sale value.

If another customer hit your car in the parking lot and left their name, that is normal claim, just like if you were at a grocery store.

If the test driver gets rear ended while sitting a stop light and the driver who caused the accident has insurance and pays, same thing, test driver was not negligent, was performing a normal business function, and you accept that risk.

If the test driver was negligent then you have a claim for repairs and diminished re-sale value.

You don't say the make, model or value. Say is a 2010 and cost 30,000 and is worth 16,000 I guess you can ask for 10%, 1600 of diminished value and work your way down. Or ask for good deal on a 2012 and trade it in.

They should: 1) Repair your car to your satisfaction .2) Supply a free loaner while repair work is done. 3) Apologize, and maybe toss an oil change in at no charge to you. It was an accident, let them fix it.

Dude...unless insurance is involved or the police...there will be no CarFax information posted. You are not providing ENOUGH information for us to tell you the proper approach. Was the car on the road or on their property? Are they going to repair it? If they are a reputable dealer...they will make "you whole". CarFax data is notoriously incorrect. You fail to mention the age/type of car you have as well. MORE INFO PLEASE.

A new vehicle. I'd be curious as to WHY was the worker was driving your vehhicle in the first place. Who authorized it? Was it a test drive? I don't think it matters.

So I took my car to the dealer where I had ourchased it in 2010. The issue was that the passenger power window motor went. Thankfully it was in the up position and double thanks for me buying the extended warranty which covers the work. Anyway. While waiting for the repair an employee got into an accident, the exact cause still unknown. In short- I now need a new trunk, rear bumper, and left rear lights! That's the esthetic component. Electrically and structurally is unknown. My vehicle was accident free prior to today. I have been made aware that vehicles with over $2500 in damages must be registered on car facts and will greatly reduce the value of my car.

What should I do? What should I ask for?