> Car battery test?

Car battery test?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Yes they can. But if the battery is good and you are just not charging it they can check that also but you will have to have the car there.

Advance auto has a great IN STORE tester. It takes a few minutes to fully test. Vary accurate

I believe the can check the battery but have no way of checking the car's charger, which could be the source of the problem.

Yes they can but you should test for a battery drain as well.

If your battery can't start the car it can't really be tested without being recharged. Get it started and take it somewhere where they can actually fix your car. Battery is very weak but the alternator may be bad and a new battery will be doing the same thing shortly also.

Most places have a diagnostic tester that will tell them the actual CCA or CA of your battery. It will not tell you what your charging system is doing when it's out of the car. Another important test is parasitic draw when your car is shut down. If too high, the battery will discharge enough to not start the vehicle.

THE most important "test" of the condition of a car battery is that is starts the car. IF not, the battery is no good. Case closed. Anything further?

get a jug of vasoline und see if das carborator ist watt it sez it ist,

i say yus need slad oyl for greasing das werks before yus do yus job mit das plyers

I wanna get my battery tested at an auto parts store. Can they test the battery if its not in the car and I take it out and bring it to them? Its under warranty and car starts with jump but I dont wanna drive the car for other reasons.