> Car Wobble?

Car Wobble?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
"Now. Was the wobble because of the rain and the tiers lost there grip for a second ? "

Yes, you probably lost traction because of a combination of turning, accelerating and the wet road. Because you are turning the back begins to slide sideways and starts to go into a spin. If you kept the gas on you would soon find yourself facing the wrong way, or parked in a ditch. If you quickly ease off the gas, the car will twitch as the tires regain traction and you get straightened out again.

Check your tire pressure anyway, often a new tires looses a bit of pressure in the first week, and that can affect it's grip.

But I think you just put your foot down too hard.

The wax on the tyres would have been removed within the first few turns of them IF there was any there at all.

No - you were adding too much power for the conditions


or TIRE TIRE TIRE in some parts of the world.

We cannot tell on here if you have too low pressure in any tyres.

So the problem is most likely to be the nut behind the steering wheel giving the pedal too much gas - not the rain

Most likely, I think, is road undulation...those often give the feel of tire bounce...more likely if cars and heavy trucks/lorries/semi's share the interchange. When a heavy cargo carrier stops (especially with air or compression brakes) going at speed, its tires will tend to bounce a bit, driving into the pavement, creating nearly imperceptible undulations, due to momentum wanting to continue forward roll and braking wanting to lock and stop foreward roll. Whatever is imperceptible (until felt) in a dry pavement is all the more so on a wet pavement. Such pavement flaws are invariably situated where +/- acceleration and heavy vehicle braking happen. Busses also count as heavy, often poorly operated, vehicles.

Tyre - UK

Tire - US

Tier - Nowhere.

"Of does my tier need pumping up more ?"

You tell us? You should be checking the pressures weekly and no the shampoo will not cause that.

Maybe it was oil on the road? Oil and water is as slippery as ice. I assume you have plenty of tread on the rear tires?

defective tirescheck that out right away

I was driving home and stop at the roundabout to turn left. It was raining. When there was a gap I accelerated slightly more than normal to go left before the next car come. Anyway as I went off my cars back wheels bobbled slightly turning left. As soon as the car was str8 it was ok. I did pass one other roundabout but it was ok.

Now. Was the wobble because of the rain and the tiers lost there grip for a second ?

Was it because I washed my car last night with wax car shampoo and the tiers were sitting in the wax shampoo and caused a waxy film on my tier?

Of does my tier need pumping up more ? Last week I did get a new tier for the car as it had a nail in it. So maybe the new ones fully pumped and the others need pumping to meet the new ones height.

Not too sure but when it happened the feeling was jelly tiers. Side to side on both back tiers.