> Car Wax question?

Car Wax question?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
No car wax will cause smearing and poor visability

There is a product called Rain X and maybe some others that are designed to be applied to car glass to give the effect you require - even meaning that windscreen wipers may not be needed after 30mph on some cars

On side windows no problem, on windscreen ok in the dry, but as soon as it rains you will need the wipers, and it will mush up to a smeary mess. I found that the glass treatment that someone else mentioned just as bad. It worked at 70 mph without the wipers, but at slower speeds you still need to wipe, and it gets messy. Nothing beats clean wiper blades on clean wet glass


Some polishes are worse than others. Carnuba wax (like Turtle Wax) would leave a sticky and visible residue that would hurt visibility. However, some polishes (not waxes) repel water and would likely not leave much of a visible residue.

It works better when you have an electric buffer. You can remove small swirls and wiper marks from windows. I use a DeWalt electric buffer, a foam pad and some polishing compound. Makes windows look almost new again.

Hi you do not put wax on to windows especially the windscreen. it ruins the wiper blades for poor vision when it is chunking it down in torrents.

If I was to apply car wax to the windows woulld it be safe and not interfere with visibility and would it make the windscreens rain repellant..ie rain runs off leaving no streaks or residue.