sure but a 10 pound turbo and a 10 pound blower is still going to be 10psi. but the volume of deliverable air may go up provided the intake and filter are large enough.
Yes some car manufacturers use both at the same to help reduce turbo lag in smaller engines.
Sure - Anything is possible, if you have enough time & $$$. But, for why ?? Either a blower or a turbo by itself can rise the pressure in the intake manifold to the point it will pop it off the engine, so there is nothing to gain.
The engine would blow up. Even assuming it were possible, which it isn't, the amount of mixture detonating in the combustion chamber would exceed the design stress of the motor. You can't just keep adding power without consequences.
I was wondering if it would be possible to have a turbo on a car then make the boosted air run through the intercooler then into a supercharger to the engine, would this make more boost or make less?