> Can a mechanic put a lien on a car/and or repossess it for non payment? in florida?

Can a mechanic put a lien on a car/and or repossess it for non payment? in florida?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Yes he can. I know times have been hard, but it sounds like you haven't paid anything for $1200 worth of repairs. Maybe you can sell the car for more than that.

Sell something and get this guy some cash and do it now. Question, why are you pregnant when neither one of you have your act together?

It's called a "Mechanic's lien" .See wisegeek.com for details.

he can put a lien but not repossess it

Hello everyone Thanks in advance for your answers!!

So i had to have a whole new head put into my car. The part was $600 and the repair cost was $600. We bought the part and the mechanic fixed our car. The mechanic is a friend of my husbands family, so he gave us our car and was gonna let us make payments. He never said a specific payment method, he pretty much just told us to pay what we can per month and keep in contact with him. He didn't take our car title or anything. And he knew we was having money problems at the time, i was the only one working. Now I'm also 3 months pregnant and right after we got our car fixed i got fired the following week,For being pregnant. So then my husband found a job a week or so after that, but it was a post by post job, and they couldn't find him another post after they promised him they would, he works in security. Anyway the only pay check he got was just enough to pay our lot rent, and our roommates had to pay the electric and the water bill.

We also have a 1yr old son, and my husband is taking our roommate back in forth to work right now, because he has a suspended license.

Anyway figured i should give u a back story, But now my husbands sister is calling and texting my husband stating that the mechanic is pissed that we haven't been paying him, and is threatning to put a lein on our car, My question is can he put a lien on our car? and if he can can he repossess it?

Thank you all in advance.