> Can a car remain running without battery power?

Can a car remain running without battery power?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
There is a part in a car called a distributor which provides the electrical charge for the spark plugs.

If there is no battery power, this distributor will not be able to supply any power to the spark plug which, in turn, will mean the car is not driveable. However, this critical point would only be reached when either A: The battery has fully discharged (if it's a full battery to begin with, this could last anything up to 2-4 hours with all electrical items switched on) or B: There has been a short circuit or disconnection between the battery and distributor (in this event, the car would stop immediately)

So has this person had 2 hours of driving available to them, or an immediate breakdown....the decision is yours.... :)

Yes thats why there is a fuse box in your car fuse blows no lights but the car will still run with no lights until you replace the fuse i will give you a comparison go to the electric panel your breaker box in your house you can shut of rooms or the stove or ac only certain parts of the house. Ok well in a car all the electrical curent for everything runs through the fuse box so if a fuse blows then only that system loses power not the whole car. But if there is other unusual things going on then they may be cheating.


Yes, it could happen.

This electrical failure, while uncommon, could also occur while cheating.

Yes , It will Run Without battery power only the thing is you can not use your self start , you should push the car in 2nd gear for start. best is you can use your lights horns after cart start.

If the car is a Jaguar, then I'd believe the story! I had one that the headlights would turn on and off randomly, as would the stereo. The windshield wipers also liked to randomly quit when most needed, too. Very annoying. If you are suspicious, I suggest you test drive the car in question to find the truth.

Yes, your light will get dim, then even dimmer, then eventually the car will stop running.

So this is completely reasonable, yet they could still certainly be lying.



And yes, they said "I drove for awhile with no electricity but I finally decided to pull over."


Sounds fishy!

Hello Yahoo Answers, to make it brief, I just encountered a situation where a loved one might be lying about where they are.

This person recently went for a small drive and 'would be back in 20 minutes' but then ended up calling multiple times, each time with a delay story, and overall, the thing sounds super fishy.

The most recent one was that 'the car's lights and electricity suddenly went out while I was driving, and the car is still able to drive, butI had to pull over and wait for help so that I can see where I'm going (and am still waiting).'

Those were the exact words, no mistake. I need to know if this story is true. Can a car possibly even have it's lights and radio and stuff turn off in the middle of the road, and yet remain drivable? I would think that if the electricity gets compromised as a whole, that the car would shut down.

It's basically a "I think this person is cheating" question and I need to know the facts!

This should be in the relationship section! BOO HOO!